

Never did I think these words were going to come out of my mouth, but…

 The Schaefer's are moving…. To. Dallas.


Let me back up just a little bit for you. 

For this past semester, Casey and I have been eagerly searching for a new home. We had bought a town home a couple of years ago and we were ready to purchase a house… with a yard (for Piper of course). We prayed for months, "Lord, show us where you want us. Make it clear to us where we should be." After months of praying and us putting TWO contracts on houses only to have them fall through, the Lord showed us where we were suppose to be. 

This summer, my husband was offered an amazing opportunity doing a job that he always ultimately wanted to do. The only catch? Dallas. 

This hit hard, not because I don't love Dallas (how can you not?), but because I have really grown to love Houston. It was here that we planted some roots, started our family together, got plugged into an amazing church community, and where I had found a job that I LOVED. This had become home for our little family. But our time in Houston was up, for now. We had always said we would go wherever the Lord wanted us, but this time it wasn't just talking about it. It was time to do it. 

We had that "alright, this is it" feeling when this opportunity arose, but waited and waited for confirmation throughout the coming weeks. Summer was quickly coming to an end and school was close to starting. It was time to move forward and let my school know I would not be returning. 

In case you were wondering? It. Was. So. Hard. 

I don't know if the Lord has ever asked you to give up something that is good, but He asked that of me this summer and it hurt. It was not easy to say the least and the Lord knows I held on as tightly as I could. A million different thoughts and feelings were racing around. Thoughts like - "Should I stay and help out for a little bit?" "What if there isn't anyone to fill my place?" "But my coworkers…" "But what about my cheer girls… my students?" "You have an obligation to fulfill." "But I don't want to do long distance marriage." Thoughts. Just so many crazy thoughts filled my mind as I tried to sort out this move. The when's, where's, and how's. 

I sat and I prayed so desperately. I asked the Lord what I should do and a resounding "GO" filled me. I could not stay. The Lord had given us with such clarity that Dallas was where we were suppose to be, so I could no longer hold on. I had to step out and walk with Jesus through it all. The Lord was asking me to trust Him with everything. The big, the small, the in between. The little details. How great is God that he not only works out the big things, but He LOVES working in the details. He works out the what's and the when's, but he boy does He love giving you the how's. 

"But even the hairs of your head are all numbered" Matthew 10:31

As I was sorting through the craziness that is my mind, I sought wisdom from some sweet mentors who set all the voices straight. My priorities needed to be aligned. God was first - I was to first serve Him and follow where He led. My husband was second - my marriage is my ministry second to God. And somewhere way, way down the line was my job. Now don't get me wrong, my job was a wonderful thing. The Lord brought me to my school to use me for His kingdom while teaching students. He provided this amazing job to grow me and teach me this year, but in the list of all my priorities, it was down the line. There would be other jobs the Lord would provide if I trusted Him and followed Him. It was a hard lesson, but I had to learn that the Lord asks us to give up things that are good sometimes and trust that what He gives is better. 

So in tears, sitting in Dallas, I typed my resignation. I had driven up to Dallas to find a job. In 4 days. At the end of July. 

Finding teaching jobs at the VERY END of summer, you guys, is close to impossible. Things open up, but you have to remember I was leaving my dream job. I had told the Lord I wasn't going to accept just anything that appeared. I wanted to know that the job was right for me. I wanted to WANT to go to work everyday. 

All of Tuesday was spent filling out as many applications as possibly. My brain literally thought about exploding by the end of the day. Wednesday and Thursday I had a couple of different interviews, but wasn't finding a job that was a good fit for me. So Thursday afternoon, I sat defeated, jobless and leaving for Houston tomorrow. I decided "what could one more e-mail to one more principal hurt?". So I did. I sent one more e-mail and within a matter of minutes I had a call. From that school. For a position that had opened only 30 minutes prior. 

Mind. Blown. 

Within the matter of minutes, I had gone from total defeat and tears to jumping around excited and running out for an interview! It turns out that I got that job and will be teaching this next year in Dallas! And what I love more is that it has God's name written in every. single. detail. 

So in the midst of all the emotions I have felt (sad, anxious, nervous) I am seriously excited. The Lord has gone out of His way to provide WAY MORE than necessary just to shut down all doubt that we are suppose to move. 

I don't know what He is up to, and yeah, it is crazy busy and all that comes with moving. But I am ALL in because I know He is there and He has something amazing planned for us. So even when its hard, when its fun, when it is exhausting, when its busy, I will praise Him because He is good in all things. He is faithful in everything.

I will only sing His praise. 

P.S. during the midst of all the craziness, this song for real spoke to me. Take a listen. I hope it blesses you. 


  1. LOVE THAT SONG. Ohhh sister my heart will miss you so much but I loved reading this and being reminded of God's great faithfulness. He has amazing plans for you in Dallas. I love you!

  2. We are so excited for y'all and this new journey! What a testament to God you both are to listen and follow His voice! Love y'all!
