
Ear Infections and Jesus

Today we went into the doctor for the second time this week. My son Deacon has had his second ear infection (after being clear for ten days after his last) and we have gone through all kinds of antibiotics. The current antibiotic he is on has to be administered through an injection in his leg. This isn't like your normal vaccine though, this is thick.. and long.. and it hurts way more.


said no one ever.

To give you an idea of what this looks like, because he is still so little and can't sit still for these injections we have to hold his arms and legs so that he is safe while they are giving him the injection. As a mom, this is one of the worst things ever.

What can feel even worse is that I am the one opting to give him these injections. So basically, I am choosing an option that causes pain for my son. What mom wants that??? ANWSER: none.

I never want my son to feel an ounce of pain ever, but because his ear is infected, he needs these antibiotics to help heal him. So sadly, I am choosing to literally hold him down to keep him in a moment that causes pain because the end result is his ears being healed.

And of course afterwards, I scoop him up so fast and snuggle him so close until he's finally calmed down and has put the whole thing behind him.

So yesterday, I was driving home thinking about how awful that moment was and the possibility of how I might have to do it again tomorrow if the second dosage wasn't enough to bring full healing. As I am driving, I remembered an illustration a speaker gave in college of the exact same situation. How awful he felt, how hard it was, etc. but also how he related it to our relationship as children of God.

It had clicked before, but not in the same way. Not in the same way as this season.

Here is what hit me in a new profound way.

God is my "Abba, father" and he cares deeply for me. So much so that He sent his son to die so that I could have life in Him. And because his love for us is so great, he sometimes allows hard things into our life to help us grow - to make us well.

In this season I have felt like Deacon - kicking and screaming because I don't want to feel hurt and I don't want to have to be in the position where I "need shots".

But here I am. Infected by all the hurts of this fallen world, in need of my Healer.

I sit before a loving God that is allowing things to prune me, to grow me, to show me all of the places I am infected so that He can heal me day by day, minute by minute. And you better bet that He is also there scooping me up and holding me close to comfort me at the end of my tantrum. What a good, good Father He is.

So I don't know where you are or if this even resonates with you at all, but it just hit me in the soft spot yesterday.  I just wanted to encourage anyone else that feels like they are kicking and screaming right now that you have a loving, caring, comforting, and healing Father that adores you. Lean in close - even when it hurts.



Walking in Strength

This past week I have started something new.

I am not really one to do lots of devotionals. I don't know why - there is nothing wrong with them, I just have always leaned towards studies or reading through the pages of my bible. But for Christmas this year I asked for this devotional that I had heard about through some new friends. 

But after hearing about it through these friends, I realized that I had absolutely loved this author from one of the podcasts I had listened to on "Risen Motherhood". (Sidenote: I am LOVING podcasts these days and can do another post on that later). There was just something about her episode that really struck me and stuck with me. First, being that she is the mom of SIX BOYS... what. Just crazy. But it was so sweet to hear her talk about her life and how she parents, etc. 

Then I found out that she is also an AMAZiNG artist. She does watercolors and sells prints, journals, etc. BUT what I loved the most was the combination of the two that I found. 

Her Devotional. Gracelaced by Ruth Cho Simmons.

This book is filled with her amazing artwork and her sweet wisdom that I absorbed so effortlessly during that podcast episode. 

So, this week I got started and have just been blown away at how the Lord is already using it.  

In my past post I had explained a little bit about our year. This transition has been hard... depleting, exhausting, and fulfilling because several times throughout the year I have realized I have nothing.. 

Nothing more to give. 

And it is out of this nothingness that I can fully lean into Christ and watch Him work. 

Ruth said it so beautifully, "We're to trust in the God who led His people into the desert so they might know the end of their power and the fullness of His provision. He's doing the same with us today." 

And He Provides. Always. 

It is when I am walking in weakness that I am really walking in strength. I am walking in the strength of the Lord. It is when I feel I have nothing, that I have everything. He has given me everything I need. He shines brighter when I have come to the end of myself because everything that you are seeing is Jesus. Not me. His strength, His kindness, His grace, His patience, His love. 

So wherever you are, in whatever season of life you are in, I pray that we would come to the end of ourselves so we can fully lean on Jesus and His provisions for today. So that He can fully shine through us. 

2 Corinthians 12:9 
"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

To get the book or buy anything else from Ruth Cho Simmons here is the link. 

Also if you are interested in listening to her episode on Risen Motherhood you can do so here.


Two Thousand Seventeen

Hey yall remember this blog??? HAH!

I seriously cannot believe it has been a whole year since I have written on this blog. That is just so crazy to me. It's definitely not for a lack of desire, because I have wanted to, but just have not really made it a priority until now.

So last post was all about 2016 so I am going to give you the quick run down on 2017!

Here we go!

This year we started with a 3.5 month old and now we have a big ONE year old?!

It is just amazing to me how much things can change, especially with babies, in a whole year. Here are just some of the challenges and triumphs we've had this year:

Nursing, not producing enough milk, realizing the amazing invention of formula, acid reflux, lactose intolerance, refusal to sleep through the night, finally sleeping through the night, napping with mom, poop, poop, poop, colds, snuggles, eating table food, crawling, falling, walking, falling, running, falling, talking, gut-laughing, exploring, friends, walks, runs, tears, hugs, and everything in between.

This whole motherhood thing has been such a wild, fun, hard ride. There have definitely been hard seasons throughout these 15 months, but man, there has been more joy and love than I could have ever even imagined. I feel like my heart is going to burst with love every single day, even on days when I want to pull my hair out or just throw in the towel because someone won't nap (any other moms feel me on this? There is just SOMETHING about a kid refusing to nap that will just send me into a crazy person).

But besides this whole motherhood thing which is a whole learning curve on its own, staying at home with Deacon has been much harder than I thought.

I have always known that being a Stay At Home Mom was really hard work but somehow, someway my heart just felt that it wasn't enough. That mothering was not enough in itself, but that I as a person needed to find some other way to "work". So for the past year I have been searching for a way that I could be "great" at something. To be seen and be known until I found myself just going and going, spinning my wheels and focusing on myself.  Focusing on all the other things I needed to be doing to be seen, and be known, instead of sitting still and listening to the Lord.

But, you know the Lord is just SO good in that He just pursues the heck out of us. I mean, sheesh. Because here I was just going and doing and elevating myself and He was sitting there all along saying, "Caitlyn, I see you. I know you. I love you. Look to me". It wasn't until this summer when He put MY NAME on the heart of the pastor who married us along with a few other amazing, Godly ladies and asked us to get together for a retreat. WHAT? Me? I couldn't believe it.

So, I started asking "why?" Asking, "what do you have for me, Lord?".

There was no answer, so it began a season of waiting and wondering. What was I doing? What was it that HE was calling me to in this season? I hadn't asked any of that before. I hadn't stopped to wonder either of those things. In the months ahead, studying 2 Samuel 5, I learned that David goes into 2 different battles, although they are similar in situation. This first time he inquires of the Lord, which isn't unusual for David, but it was the second time he asked the Lord that hit me. The same situation is presented before him but he doesn't just assume what he is to do based off of how the Lord instructed him the first time. David wanted to know what to do THIS time. And wouldn't you know, the Lord had a different action plan for him.

It seems so simple to just ask the Lord what steps to take, but we don't often do it. We so often disobey and go our own direction, exalting ourselves. Exactly what I was doing this year.

But yall, here is the thing.

He is so loving, so patient, and so kind, that He waits for us. He continues day after to day to pursue us and call us to Him BY NAME. There is just something about this that just brings me to tears every single time. That even in my disobedience and my pursuit of self, God absolutely adores me and pursues my heart to draw me closer to Him. To give me life in Him.

And sometimes this joy of Life in Him comes in a quiet season. My friend spoke this over me at our retreat and so I thought I would share. Maybe in this world of social media, you don't feeling like you are doing enough or being enough. But friend, YOU ARE ENOUGH. I am enough. And we don't need to have a million followers, or write a book, have a blog, start a podcast, or whatever it is that you think you NEED to do to be enough. There is fullness in being seen, known, and loved by the God of the Universe being right where you are, in whatever stage of life you are in. In the job you are in, in the place where He has put you, with the people who are around you. For me right now thats, mothering, loving my husband well, being diligent to listen and seek the Lord, and to pursue the passions he has given me as time allows.

So lets just be all in. Lets ask the Lord where He wants us and not get caught up in the busyness of life. Lets just find all of our worth in being fully know, seen, and loved by the God of the Universe.


Two Thousand Sixteen

This year has flown. by.

Not sure how every year keeps getting faster, but it does and I can't stop it although many times I wish I could freeze frame time *starts singing "its a beautifuuull morrrnin'..." *

So this weekend as we embark upon 2017, I just wanted to reflect and not miss all the incredible things that happened for our family in 2016.

We kicked off the year by celebrating Casey's best friends wedding while hanging out with family and sweet friends in Houston. It wasn't but shortly after that we found out that we were pregnant with sweet baby Deacon.

That spring we had some fun adventures which included:
free tickets to a Cowboys game given to us randomly by a guy at Einsteins | photography classes | going to Vegas with the family | getting to announce we were pregnant with a little baby boy!

During this time we also got plugged into our church and were starting to form awesome new relationships with couples in our community. What a sweet blessing they are.

From Spring to Summer I finished my fourth year teaching and we moved into our new home. And of course LOTS of celebrating.

3rd Anniversary with my amazing hubby | sister graduating from OU | new home | sweet baby schaefer

The summer was of course SO HOT but held all kinds of wonderful things:

decorating and nesting in our new home | getting together with all 4 roomies for the first time in 3.5 years | celebrating 4th of July with baby bump friends | more celebrating the coming of baby schaefer

Then came September!!

My sweet baby made his appearance into the world and we have all fallen head over heels in love with him. As you can imagine taking care of this little fella has taken up the rest of this year. Here are the highlights:

We are so grateful for 2016 and all the new it has brought our family. We have learned a ton, slept less, and loved more than we ever have before. 

There is still a lot to learn in 2017 and we are excited for what it holds for our family. Even if this year hasn't been your favorite I challenge you to find the good. Take a moment and reflect on the blessings that have been brought to you this year, even if it has been disguised in something hard. 

Love you all! Have an amazing new year! 


Labor + Delivery

Labor and Delivery.

This is what makes up the nightmares of all of us first time preggers out there. We are excited to see our sweet little baby...

yet, at the same time terrified by how that is going to happen.

Of course, what makes it so much better are all the wonderful people out there who tell you their own horrible labor and delivery stories, or furthermore, the horror stories of their friends-sisters-friend, right?


Or maybe its the birthing class where you find out ALL THE THINGS that makes you feel prepared?


To be honest, nothing can prepare you for that moment and to be honest as much as I tried not to be, I was scared, nervous, and anxious about what was ahead of me. But, it was in this precious moment of fear that the Lord painted me a beautiful picture of what I was about to do.

He showed me that pregnancy is choosing to endure pain to bring forth life. We know it is going to be painful and hard, but we do so willingly so that we can give life to our sweet babies.

Realizing this painted the most beautiful picture in my mind of the cross. Jesus willingly and joyfully walked into pain and suffering far beyond what I can possibly imagine, so that He might give his children (us) life again. So that we might be His forever.

Sometimes my mind cannot even comprehend this. That Christ, after having suffered such pain and death, conquered death so that we might have LIFE in Him.

That I, as broken as I am, have been delivered out of sin and into freedom.

That I am a daughter of the highest King.

And what is better still is that you can be too. I don't know where you are or what you have in your past, but I know that Jesus calls us to come to Him, broken and all, so that He can mend your soul and give you life forever with Him. All you have to do friend is ask and believe. Nothing else is necessary, wherever you are...

Come. I pray you are delivered into freedom with me.

"... but you have received the spirit of adoption as sons by whom we cry, "Abba Father"." 
Romans 8:15


Hospital Bag

If you are anything like me, those last few weeks of being pregnant consisted of a ton of research. Basically, I sat and googled all kinds of things. 

Postpartum just say no- do as I say not as I do... you'll find out soon enough

How to take care of a baby?! which you will continue to google in the weeks after

How to change a diaper? do people still use baby powder? do I put butt cream on every time? how do they get diaper rash?

Breastfeeding tips? natural means easy, right?... wrong.

and most importantly What goes in the Hospital Bag?? 

So here I am to let you know what I put in mine.. what I used, what I didn't use and all my thoughts on the matter. Please remember though, every labor and delivery is different. Some people are in the hospital waiting to deliver for fifty million hours and some people it only takes a few- keep that in mind as you read. I might not have used some things, but you might want to. It's all about what you want!

Our delivery wasn't super long. I labored most of the day at home and went in when I was 7cm (whoops) which ended up being at about 4:30ish when we got checked into the hospital. I didn't end up having my sweet precious until 11:00 pm that night. And yes, that night counted as our first night there, so we were in and out fairly quickly. I always like to say that you'd rather be safe than sorry and am always a proponent of being extra prepared so even though I didn't use everything on this list, I might have if we had been there longer or had a longer labor. Also, don't freak out if you forget something.. chances are someone from your family or a close friend can go back home and grab whatever you need. 

Hospital Bag Checklist:

  • Nursing nightgown (2) or a 2 pairs of pj's that are easy to nurse in. I say 2 because the first night I got peed on and had to wear a non nursing nightgown which was quite complicated
  • Nursing Bra  if you are going to be in non-nursing pjs
  • Going home outfit
  • Make-Up because it makes you feel more normal when you have visitors
  • Robe 
  • Socks my hospital gave me some pretty legit socks when I got there... it's nice to be prepared
  • Toiletries
  • Shower Shoes I didn't really use because we had someone come and sanitize our shower every day
  • Straightener/Curling Iron again to make you feel more like a normal person
  • Hairbrush
  • Toilet Paper if you are picky about the thin hospital toilet paper
  • Miralax just do it. Start drinking it ASAP when you get to the hospital I promise you won't regret it. You can drink it during pregnancy too if you'd like
  • Spark because my hubby needed caffeine especially after sleeping on that couch all night
  • Chargers for the electronics
  • Bluetooth Speaker if you want to play music during labor. I didn't because I was so distracted by everything else I forgot
  • Extension Cord or something that you can plug multiple things into
  • Bible
  • Baby Book
  • Birthing Ball basically an exercise ball if you want to use during labor - I used this at home before I went to the hospital. Had an epidural at the hospital, so no need for it there
  • Cell Phone
  • Purse
  • Camera 
  • Boppy Pillow or something for breastfeeding
  • Snacks for the hubby

  • Couple of cute onesies bring multiple sizes because you don't know how big your baby will actually be - grab some newborn and some 0-3 month stuff just in case
  • Hat
  • Halo Sleepsack our hospital provided one for him to use while we were there, but good to have anyways plus yours might be cuter :) 
  • Going home outfit
  • Blanket
  • Carseat installed, checked, and make sure you know how to insert baby safely

Everything else that you need the hospital probably has... like:
  • Amazing mesh panties all the praise hands
  • Massive Diaper Pads 
  • Icepacks 
  • Peri Bottle
  • Nipple Cream
  • Numbing Spray
  • Witch Hazel wipes
  • Any medicine you normally take I found out that they have to administer this, they don't allow you to take the ones you brought with you

and then you come home with a little squish like this. 

Did I forget anything? Please feel free to leave extra things that helped you when you were in the hospital too! The more input the better! 


Welcoming Our Sweet Little Man


Our sweet Deacon made his appearance on September 13th at a whopping 8 lbs 1 oz with the sweetest face I have ever seen.

Yes, I realize it is October, but I've been doing things.


Changing poopy diapers.

Rocking and bouncing and rocking and bouncing. 

Watching him sleep when you should be sleeping yourself. 

and Googling EVERYTHING because who even knows what they are doing, right? We are all figuring it out together. And once you think you have it down - they get older and something changes so you are back to googling again. 

But I mean look at this face:

Thanks to Andrea Bradshaw Photography for capturing these sweet newborn pictures! If you are interested the link to her website is HERE. 

Now, the list mentioned about might not seem like a lot, but believe me, it keeps me plenty busy during the day. If I am honest, before having a newborn I thought staying at home with an infant had some work to it, yes, but I really thought there would be more time during the day to get stuff done. 


I am currently still sitting in the pajamas I woke up in because our sweet little handsome decided he wanted to eat, poop, but not sleep. ALL DAY LONG. Which means this momma was either feeding, changing a diaper, or holding his highness all day long resulting in well...


And I'm not even sorry about it. 

Taking care of a newborn is hard work and I am grateful to have an amazing husband and sweet family to help me out. For all of you single moms out there: BLESS YOU. The strength you have amazes me. 

The days might seem long, but the weeks are flying by so fast that we now have a ONE MONTH old on our hands! What?! 

I am doing my best to cherish these sweet moments as I have them. Things might be hard and I might not be sleeping at all, but Deacon will never be one month old again. I want to make sure I am living in each moment and treasuring the time the Lord has given me with this sweet child. 

Deacon, buddy, you are so loved. 

Oh, and in case you are wondering... Piper Bear is only feeling slightly neglected since D arrived on the scene and only slightly terrified of him. 

I find it quite hilarious. 

This picture basically sums it up. 

Poor thing. She has such a hard life. 



Nursery & Waiting

We are here! I am finally considered full term (finally) at 39 weeks and let me tell you we are READY. Besides the fact that these last 2 weeks are super uncomfortable (there's just no more room in there buddy- come out!), it has been fun spending time with my hubby and getting some last minute things done before our little man makes his arrival into the world!
  • Bags Packed (or as packed as they can be) - CHECK
  • Carseat Installed - CHECK
  • Place set up for little man to sleep - CHECK
  • Diapers - TRIPLE CHECK
  • Nursery finally finished (not that its super necessary those first few weeks but I think every momma probably wants to have this one checked off of her list) - CHECK
So, let's talk about this nursery business. First of all, deciding on anything while pregnant is, well,... challenging, but having to decide on how to decorate a nursery has just been almost too much to bear. I think I have changed my mind FIFTY MILLION TIMES and sent hundreds of pictures to my husband and family asking "What do you think about this???" over these past 9 months.

You can't blame me though - there are so many adorable options! So you have to ask yourself all the questions - Do you want a more neutral nursery so you can use it again? What about a theme? Elephants? Giraffes? Puppies? Aggies? Antlers? No theme? Brighter colors? Pastels? 

It was ongoing and I felt like I was NEVER going to be able to make a decision. 

The only thing I could really decide on was that I liked the idea of mostly neutral colors because those were things we could use again in a nursery with a second child regardless of gender, but also wanted it to have a boy feel. I ended up adding some pastel blues and greens and made it feel a little rustic/woodsy. 

Here's how it turned out. 

... of course miss thang had to be in the photos

  So needy...

Here're the stats on the room:
  • Crib - Ikea (before you freak out, it has an amazing safety rating according to Baby Bargains 2016 unlike their dressers- which should be anchored to the walls anyways)
  • Crib Sheets - Aden and Anais
  • Glider - Babies R Us  SIDE NOTE: After much feedback from new mommas on the glider,  the 2 things really suggested to me were 1.) that your glider has a tall back so that you can rest your head backward 2.) that it reclines for more comfortability. This glider has both of those things and I already love it! 
  • Stick decor - At Home 
  • Book Bins - TJ Maxx 
We love hanging out in there and of course, have been practicing our gliding skills...

Now that we have it all done, it is just a waiting game consisting of growing, spoiling the bear while she still has time, and spending some sweet quality time with my man. 

Something that I have realized in the waiting though is the twinge of anxiety and fear that pokes its head up every once in awhile. It's hard not to be a little anxious, nervous, fearful because everything is unknown. You can research ALL about labor and delivery (believe me, I have), but there is just no guarantee's on anything. 

Each person's experience is so unique in its own way because we were all made so uniquely different. My body is going to react differently than others. My baby might respond differently than others, be in a different position than others, etc. 

You won't know until it's time, but what is comforting is that the God of this universe, who made me and my sweet boy so unique, is completely in control. He stands outside of time and already knows how this is all going to play out. It's time now to trust Him. The One who loves me and my child so deeply is in control and I trust that His ways are greater. 

If this is you too, here are some scriptures I have been praying and meditating on that have helped me conquer those times of fear and anxiety. 

"Do not be anxious about ANYTHING, but in EVERYTHING by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus" Philippians 4:6-7

"You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever for the Lord God is an everlasting rock" Isaiah 26:3-4

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses so that the power of Christ may rest upon me" 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

"Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you REST" Matthew 11:28

Hopefully next time I post I will have a sweet baby boy to post about! But for now... here we are losing sight of the toes and rolling off of couches/beds because, well, sitting up is nearly impossible. 


Ooh Baby It's Hot Outside

Not sure if this has been made super clear, but...


So as a someone who is very pregnant and only becoming more pregnant as the summer progresses, I had to ask myself "What does one who is getting increasingly large wear during these summer months?". Many people I have talked to about being pregnant in the summer had mentioned all kinds of awesome wardrobe choices: maxi dresses for the win and of course you have your maternity blue jean shorts and shirts. 

Now I don't know how other people like to shop maternity clothes, but my goal has been to purchase as many things as I can that can also be worn AFTER I deliver this sweet child. I just couldn't bring myself to drop so much money on maternity wear that you might not be able to wear again (only if you have a 2nd child around the same time that you were pregnant with the first one).

Here are the things in the "normal clothes" category that I have LOVED wearing. 
  • Maxi Dresses/Any comfortable "flow-y" dress - really stretchy ones. Not just stretchy around the belly, but around the upper area as well if you get where I'm going with this. 
  • Maternity Blue Jean Shorts - here are ones I bought at Target that I love. Pro: it doesn't have the belly band that can get super hot in the summer. Con: You have to wear longer shirts/tanks or you'll have some nice baby midriff showing. 
  • Stretchy shirts - this side split tee from Target has been awesome to wear (with a tank top under it of course) because it stretches with you but is super cute on people who aren't preggers. They have the same thing (with a little less split) at Walmart too. 
However, what I had not anticipated was not really being able to find workout gear to go on walks in (which also doubles as my everyday outfit for summer). Fortunately, my Lululemon running shorts have been able to fit me the whole pregnancy (praise hands), but I only have one pair. When you are walking and sweating in the Texas heat, you are definitely going to need more than 1 pair of shorts so I thought to myself, "no biggie, I'll just go buy a pair of maternity running shorts". 


I don't know what people high up in the maternity clothing business are thinking, but they LOVE to sell some maternity yoga pants. I mean they. are. everywhere. And in every color. but NEWSFLASH... I don't know of any pregnant women that want to be walking around in tight fitted, long, yoga pants during the SUMMER. It's HOT people. I need some breezy shorts with some breezy tops to keep me all nice and cool before I completely melt away. 

I was so excited because this was the part where I was going to post the link to the amazing, breezy, loose, awesome, maternity workout shorts that I found at Target a little over a month ago. BUT, of course I just went to look for them and...


Nowhere to be found. 

I mean seriously?!?

They have some nice tight fitted ones, but those things just look like a sauna for my butt. Sheesh.

Hopefully, they come out next summer again for those of you who might be preggers in the summer time, but I guess for all those winter babes its fine because well.. yoga pants are awesome..

in the winter. 

As for workout tops I found that these Lululemon tanks worked fabulous for most of my pregnancy (up to about 7 ish months). And in case you are wondering about all of this expensive Lululemon gear- I am a gift card hoarder and ended up splurging at lulu earlier this spring.  These tanks were long enough on the front and the back to grow with me and they were super stretchy! They had more colors at the beginning of summer, but this is what they have now.

The other tanks I have loved are the men's tanks from Walmart. Yes. Walmart. They are loose and soft which is great for getting sweaty. And who doesn't love a nice big tank even when you are not preggers? They come in all colors and are FOUR DOLLARS. 


Check it out here.

Target shorts and Lululemon top at 30ish weeks pregnant! 

I will have to say though...  this week has been INCREDIBLE. I have thrown my hands in the air multiple times this week praising God for this amazing cool front we have had in Dallas. The A/C has hardly had to run, my grass is getting some good natural watering, and I am currently sitting on my couch in JEANS and not sweating. UNREAL. 

I think there's only one person dog who has not been thrilled about this week. Cool front = rain = shorter walks, not as much play time and the most dreaded of all... 


Her current position is: 

Meanwhile, I am getting larger and slower by the day but only have about 4ish weeks left! Can't wait to meet this little man! Just praying he waits at least until his nursery is done - haha! Still a work in progress... but more on that later! 

Updated pic for those who are wondering. :) 


Walking the Summer Away to Baby Schaefer

I love to exercise, but I've never been much of a walker. If I had to choose my method of exercise it would be running or some sort of cardio that got my heart rate racing. I usually feel like my workout is most productive when I am breathing hard and sweating a lot.

And then. I started growing a human.

Maybe it was the timing of this pregnancy (after having a hurt foot for 6 weeks) or maybe it is the way this little man is positioned, but running while pregnant has NOT been easy. I have given it many good attempts - the most successful being during 2nd trimester aka the awesome trimester. I was on fire. No more nausea, feeling strong, and active - woo!

But then... he grew. And started adjusting. On my bladder.

From then on, walking became my new form of exercise and believe me it is FOR SURE exercise.

For those of you from Texas, you know. Texas is HOT and Dallas has been particularly hot this summer so my walks have produced lots of sweat. Plus the added belly also gets that heart rate pumping. I also have a sweet little buddy (besides the one in my belly) that joins my walks.

Piper Bear.


She loves our walks (most days), especially since I have let her start jumping in the lake at the halfway mark. She drags the whole way there, but once you get this puppy wet, she's a happy camper. Normally, she just wades in and gets her whole belly wet ...

but occasionally you get this.

So now I have a wet rat following me the rest of the walk and end up with Einstein afterwards.


These sweet walks have been good time for me though. It obviously takes much longer to walk 3 miles than to run 3 miles so it has given me a lot of good thinking time. Time to just be with my thoughts, talk to God, and pray for so many things. I'm doing my best to treasure this peaceful, restful time.

But then we arrive back home. Wet dog who has now felt the cool breeze of air conditioning, is cold and ready to play.

The toy of choice is the soccer ball. Of course.

Soccer in the morning.
Soccer at lunch.
Soccer in the evening.
All. The. Time.

You think she'd get tired of it, but nope. Its her FAVORITE. I figure.. you've got to wear her out somehow right? Wet, cold dog = crazy toddler who was just given a whole pixie stick. So we play.

It normally wears her out for a total of 20 minutes? Then she begs again. More soccer ball.


In other news... we have 5 weeks left people!! WHA? UNREAL.

Next post, I'll talk about favorite pregnant walking attire and what I've found most comfortable. :)

Until then - have a blessed day!