
Walking the Summer Away to Baby Schaefer

I love to exercise, but I've never been much of a walker. If I had to choose my method of exercise it would be running or some sort of cardio that got my heart rate racing. I usually feel like my workout is most productive when I am breathing hard and sweating a lot.

And then. I started growing a human.

Maybe it was the timing of this pregnancy (after having a hurt foot for 6 weeks) or maybe it is the way this little man is positioned, but running while pregnant has NOT been easy. I have given it many good attempts - the most successful being during 2nd trimester aka the awesome trimester. I was on fire. No more nausea, feeling strong, and active - woo!

But then... he grew. And started adjusting. On my bladder.

From then on, walking became my new form of exercise and believe me it is FOR SURE exercise.

For those of you from Texas, you know. Texas is HOT and Dallas has been particularly hot this summer so my walks have produced lots of sweat. Plus the added belly also gets that heart rate pumping. I also have a sweet little buddy (besides the one in my belly) that joins my walks.

Piper Bear.


She loves our walks (most days), especially since I have let her start jumping in the lake at the halfway mark. She drags the whole way there, but once you get this puppy wet, she's a happy camper. Normally, she just wades in and gets her whole belly wet ...

but occasionally you get this.

So now I have a wet rat following me the rest of the walk and end up with Einstein afterwards.


These sweet walks have been good time for me though. It obviously takes much longer to walk 3 miles than to run 3 miles so it has given me a lot of good thinking time. Time to just be with my thoughts, talk to God, and pray for so many things. I'm doing my best to treasure this peaceful, restful time.

But then we arrive back home. Wet dog who has now felt the cool breeze of air conditioning, is cold and ready to play.

The toy of choice is the soccer ball. Of course.

Soccer in the morning.
Soccer at lunch.
Soccer in the evening.
All. The. Time.

You think she'd get tired of it, but nope. Its her FAVORITE. I figure.. you've got to wear her out somehow right? Wet, cold dog = crazy toddler who was just given a whole pixie stick. So we play.

It normally wears her out for a total of 20 minutes? Then she begs again. More soccer ball.


In other news... we have 5 weeks left people!! WHA? UNREAL.

Next post, I'll talk about favorite pregnant walking attire and what I've found most comfortable. :)

Until then - have a blessed day!

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