
Welcoming Our Sweet Little Man


Our sweet Deacon made his appearance on September 13th at a whopping 8 lbs 1 oz with the sweetest face I have ever seen.

Yes, I realize it is October, but I've been doing things.


Changing poopy diapers.

Rocking and bouncing and rocking and bouncing. 

Watching him sleep when you should be sleeping yourself. 

and Googling EVERYTHING because who even knows what they are doing, right? We are all figuring it out together. And once you think you have it down - they get older and something changes so you are back to googling again. 

But I mean look at this face:

Thanks to Andrea Bradshaw Photography for capturing these sweet newborn pictures! If you are interested the link to her website is HERE. 

Now, the list mentioned about might not seem like a lot, but believe me, it keeps me plenty busy during the day. If I am honest, before having a newborn I thought staying at home with an infant had some work to it, yes, but I really thought there would be more time during the day to get stuff done. 


I am currently still sitting in the pajamas I woke up in because our sweet little handsome decided he wanted to eat, poop, but not sleep. ALL DAY LONG. Which means this momma was either feeding, changing a diaper, or holding his highness all day long resulting in well...


And I'm not even sorry about it. 

Taking care of a newborn is hard work and I am grateful to have an amazing husband and sweet family to help me out. For all of you single moms out there: BLESS YOU. The strength you have amazes me. 

The days might seem long, but the weeks are flying by so fast that we now have a ONE MONTH old on our hands! What?! 

I am doing my best to cherish these sweet moments as I have them. Things might be hard and I might not be sleeping at all, but Deacon will never be one month old again. I want to make sure I am living in each moment and treasuring the time the Lord has given me with this sweet child. 

Deacon, buddy, you are so loved. 

Oh, and in case you are wondering... Piper Bear is only feeling slightly neglected since D arrived on the scene and only slightly terrified of him. 

I find it quite hilarious. 

This picture basically sums it up. 

Poor thing. She has such a hard life. 


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