It is here people. The Houston heat and humidity have arrived as well as the large amount of time I have to do things I love to do. Home projects. . . cleaning. . . organizing. . . working out. . . reading. . . getting tan. . . ok so maybe that last one hasn't exactly happened yet, but it is for sure planned! Needless to say, I have a lot of time where I can finally relax and get things done. However, another perk of being home every day for the summer (besides spending extremely large amounts of time reading Lone Survivor - which by the way you all need to do) is that I get to hang out with our sweet golden doodle Piper Bear. Because I am alone most of the time, we get to spend A LOT of quality time together! This also means that I stay in bed way too late snuggling with her and of course take way too many pictures of her because everything she does I think is adorable. I'm not biased or obsessive at all.
We love our quality time together (yes I said we because OF COURSE she loves spending time with me) so she has become my everyday summer date.
I mean, how can you resist this face??
As I said before, getting out of bed can be hard when you have this fluff ball snuggling with you. Am I right?
We get awesome souvenirs from our walks in the hot, humid Houston afternoons. . . .
She watches me with an encouraging pant as I practice new songs for my Les Mills Body Attack class.
We were inspired to play soccer while watching the World Cup. . .
We play princesses where Piper is the queen in her royal robe. . .
We wait for dad to come home from work. . . .
And we snuggle. . . a lot.
I'm glad I have this sweet bear to keep me company and help me out with all of my fun summer projects. More to be posted on that later. Hope you all are enjoying summer as well!
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