
Fourth of July Fun

Happy belated Fourth of July everybody!

We started the weekend off with a late celebration of our anniversary! For our wedding anniversary, the place we ordered our wedding cake from gave us a free 6' round to eat as a way of keeping the "eat the top of your wedding cake" tradition without having to eat freezer year old cake. What a great idea, right?! The cake was DELICIOUS. It is still by far my favorite cake ever. If you are interested you can find their website here.

For our Fourth of July celebrations we had a lot of sunshine, watermelon, BBQ, apple pie and sweet family. Of course we all had to first get into our festive gear wearing red, white, and blue before we could go anywhere. Personally, I love the jorts ;)

My mom came in town for the weekend and so we got to spend another Fourth of July with her in Houston! If your wondering how our cake made it here. . . this pretty lady was the transporter. So sweet!

We had the best of intentions to go listen to some live music and watch fireworks, but some heavy rain kicked in so we decided it was best to take cover. Overall, most of us had a fun day. However, we did have one participant that was not so excited about Fourth of July. . . 

This very large baby does not like fireworks or anything that sounds like it so she spent the remainder of the night cuddled in dad's lap. Kinda sad, but mostly adorable, right? 

Hope you all had a great Fourth of July! 

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