Happy Easter everybody!!
As our first married Easter we wanted to stay in Houston so we could spend it at our home church and with the Schaefer family.
We have been so blessed by this beautiful weather today, but more importantly by our Savior, Jesus Christ. This weekend has been so sweet to sit a reflect on the ultimate gift that was given to us.
We are all sinners. However, most people find that word to "churchy" or "religious" so the better word I like to use is flawed. Not a single one of us here on this planet earth is perfect. We have all at one point or another done something we are not proud of, maybe even regret. We were created in the image of God to be in relationship with God. However, in the garden of Eden is where it all went south. We made the decision to follow our flesh. To indulge in the things of this world instead of the things of God. Because of this, we were separated from God. For years there were prophecies of when the Savior would come and restore our relationship with God. Not just broad prophecies, specific prophecies. Finally, the time came. Our Savior Jesus came to this world born in flesh by a virgin. He fulfilled hundreds of these specific prophecies seen in the Old Testament. The most important was that he would redeem the world, by shedding His blood for our sins and He did just that. He lived a perfect life that we could not. Then, he died on the cross - shed his blood for all of the sins (mistakes) we have made and all of the sins (mistakes) we will ever make. He was the ultimate sacrifice that restored our relationship with God. The veil was torn!! If only that was the end… Not only did he die for the sins of each one of us, but he conquered death. Conquered. Death. Some of you might not read this literally, might read it more like a story book. Go back and read what I said literally. This man Jesus was not a just a good teacher as some might say. If you have read the gospels he is either out of his mind or He is who He says He is - the Son of God who has come to save the world. I quite obviously believe the latter. He has given us victory over sin and death, should we choose to believe in Him. I choose the cross. I choose to give my whole life to Jesus. He has loved me even in my sin. He has redeemed my life. Sweet friend, let Him redeem yours. This is my prayer for you this Easter.
" I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6
"For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him." John 3:17
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