Fall was a whirlwind. Every weekend we found ourselves in College Station cheering on our Aggie football team or traveling for several weddings. We had SO MUCH fun at all of these events, but sometimes you need a weekend just to have nothing to do. Weekends to sit around with each other and just relax. This spring semester (yes I still categorize my life by semesters - Im a teacher) has been just that. RELAXING.
It is so nice to spend our weekends with friends or just exploring Houston. I've been here for almost 2 years now and there are still so many Houston things I have yet to do. Most of our weekends have consisted of being lazy and reading considering that it has been unusually cold (2 "ice" days) and wet. However I we have gotten to do some exploring.
Earlier in February Casey decided to take me to the downtown aquarium since I have already seen the zoo. We got to the aquarium and saw that there was a new exhibit where you could feed/pet the stingrays. Now, I do not have a good track record with these creatures. Side story: When I was 12 the Holder family went on a cruise. While we were at one of our ports we (my parents) thought it would be a fun activity to take myself (12) and my sister (10) to swim with stingrays. Epic. Fail. My sister and I got in the water for approximately 60 seconds before we decided that we needed to make sure our boat didn't float off. So on the boat is where we stayed for the remainder of the time - of course being taunted by our parents. :) Might I also add that it was not smart of the instructor to tell an almost teenage girl that stingrays could give you hickeys… Mortified. To continue: I decided to conquer my fear and touch the stingrays.They were gorgeous and quite interesting. They would poke their heads up out of the waters to beg for food. Needless to say it was such a fun experience!
After we touched the stingrays we went and toured the aquarium.. The fish were beautiful and of course I had to sing Finding Nemo songs through the entire exhibit. At the end there were these beautiful white tigers. They were just magnificent. They didn't do much, but they did eyeball us as we stood outside the window doing our best to convince them to play.
Another weekend I got to chaperone our school Valentines dance. This is probably one of my favorite things to do as a teacher. It is so fun getting to interact with my students outside of the classroom. I get to see who they hang out with, how they interact with the opposite gender, and how they hold themselves in this dance environment. And of course lets not forget that I do my best chaperoning while in the midst of the students having a dance party myself. :)
As for Valentine's weekend, this one was especially wonderful because it was the first one I got to spend with my sweet husband. I am so thankful for how well he loves me. To celebrate we loaded up the Bear in the car and headed out for a picnic in Memorial Park. Knowing me so well, instead of packing a picnic, he drove through Chick fil a for our picnic food. It was such a gorgeous Saturday, so we relaxed and played with our sweet puppy. This weekend was especially fun because I got the sweetest surprise of seeing one of my roommates 3 days in a row (which is a rare encounter is post grad days)!!
This past weekend we celebrated 9 months of marriage by going to the Melting Pot. I know this isn't specifically a "Houston" thing, but I had never been so I am going to put it under the "exploring Houston" column. I was skeptical at first, being that I am an extremely picky eater, but boy was it fantastic. All of it….. especially the chocolate. duh.
Overall, it has been such a fun spring with my sweet Schaefer family. I am so grateful for all of the precious memories the Lord has given me this semester. Cannot wait for many more as we embark on some fun travels ahead. Stay tuned ;)
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